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SKU: EN-F20567

women's slippers- black ballet flat- merino wool felt- handmade in italy- grosgrain ribbon & bow- size eu 36
Raymond H. Hawkins. Dance program. I wish to thank you and your wonderful writer, Lou Fancher, for the Times’ inspiring article, “Parkinson’s disease patients find rare physical freedom in Berkeley-based dance classes,” about our dance program at Berkeley Ballet Theater. Please share with your readers the other Bay Area locations where dance teachers share the Mark Morris Dance Group model with people affected by Parkinson’s disease: Sunnyvale, 408- 734-2800; Oakland, 510-479-6119; San Francisco, 415-285-7377; and San Rafael, 415-819-2066.
Club Fox Salsa Spot, 8 p.m, Jan, 23, $10, Club Fox, 2209 Broadway, Redwood City, 877-435-9849 or www.clubfoxrwc.com, Lunar New Year, 11 a.m.-4 p.m, Feb, 28, Performances, craft activities, Courthouse women's slippers- black ballet flat- merino wool felt- handmade in italy- grosgrain ribbon & bow- size eu 36 Square, San Mateo County History Museum, 2200 Broadway St., Redwood City, Museum free day underwritten by the Edmund and Jeannik Littlefield Foundation, www.historysmc.org or 650-299-0104, Los Altos History Museum, “Silicon Valley: The Lure & the Legends,” through April 19, Los Altos History Museum, 51 S, San Antonio Road, Los Altos, Noon-4 p.m., Thursdays-Sundays, Free, www.losaltoshistory.org/lure_legends.html..
If we don’t pass Measure H, it is our students who will suffer. It is our responsibility to make sure our local schools provide a quality education for local students. I am voting “yes” on Measure H. I hope you do too. Glazer stood with other members of the state Senate in voting for nine bills that drastically curb Californians rights’ to self-defense by severely restricting our Second Amendment rights. Glazer and his colleagues did so for political purposes as they fear a voter backlash to Gavin Newsom’s ballot initiative. The leader, state Sen. Kevin De Leon, admitted to rushing through these measures as they don’t trust voters (per KTVU): “I think it’s too risky to put a lot of hard work … before the voters of California ….”.
It tells the stories of five individuals in Zambia, Ghana, India, Guatemala and California who use the bicycle as women's slippers- black ballet flat- merino wool felt- handmade in italy- grosgrain ribbon & bow- size eu 36 a way to create positive change for themselves and their families, “With My Own Two Wheels” was nominated for the Social Justice Award in Documentary Film at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival, The Lafayette screening will take place at 6:30 p.m, July 31, at the Lafayette Library and Learning Center, The film producers, who live in Berkeley, will attend to answer questions about the film and its message..
This “Web Ballet” will be based on choreography suggestions submitted by individuals all around the world to Diablo Ballet’s Twitter page (@DiabloBallet) to be performed March 1-2 at the Shadelands Arts Center Auditorium in Walnut Creek. Now through Thursday, Feb 14, those interested may use the Twitter hash tag #DiabloWebBallet to suggest. Participants will also be able to help select the music of the piece by voting on the three selections found on Diablo Ballet’s YouTube page: http://www.youtube.com/user/diabloballet.
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