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iphone x case lifeproof
SKU: EN-F10047
iphone x case lifeproof
The crowd went wild. A financial analyst told me the iPhone, with its widescreen, full Safari web browser, visual voicemail and the music, photo and video features courtesy of the iPod, was a "complete stunner." Another told me the 10 million sales figure for 2008 "sounds low."Apple beat that 10 million goal by September 2008 - three months ahead of schedule. In July 2016, Apple announced it had sold 1 billion phones since the phone's launch. "iPhone set the standard for mobile computing in its first decade and we are just getting started," Apple CEO Tim Cook said Sunday in a message commemorating the 10th anniversary of the iPhone. "The best is yet to come."Here's what else I remember about the presentation that day.
• Jobs saying "Boy, have we patented it" when he talked about the iPhone's design and its multitouch technology, He reveled in showing off how easy the phone was to use, calling out the single home button at the bottom of the glass screen, • Jobs making the first public call to Apple's chief designer, Jony Ive, who was sitting in the audience, Jobs asked Ive what he thought of the moment, Ive's reply: "It's not too shabby."• The laughter as Jobs called a local Starbucks, saying "I'd like to order 4,000 lattes to go, please, iphone x case lifeproof No, just kidding, Wrong number."• The disappointment when Apple didn't give developers a way to build native apps for the iPhone, (Jobs later changed his mind and decided to open that kind of access to developers, instead of just running web-based apps on the phone, Apple introduced the App Store in July 2008.)..
In the years since that launch, I've written a lot stories about the new models, about whether Apple can keep churning out designs that make us want to upgrade, and about how the phone changed Apple's partners, including Corning and AT&T. And so I'll share one of my favorite anecdotes, which comes from Marc Andreessen, who pioneered web browsing with Mosaic and Netscape and who is now one of the top venture capitalists in Silicon Valley. "In the fall of 2006, my wife, Laura, and I went out to dinner with Steve and his brilliant and lovely wife, Laurene," Andreessen told me in 2012.
"Sitting outside of the restaurant on California Avenue in Palo Alto waiting iphone x case lifeproof for a table to open up, on a balmy Silicon Valley evening, Steve pulled his personal prototype iPhone out of his jeans pocket and said, 'Here, let me show you something.' He took me on a tour through all of the features and capabilities of the new device, "After an appropriate amount of oohing and aahing, I ventured a comment, BlackBerry aficionado as I was, I said, 'Boy, Steve, don't you think it's going to be a problem not having a physical keyboard? Are people really going to be OK typing directly on the screen?'..
"He looked me right in the eye with that piercing gaze and said, 'They'll get used to it.'"And so we all did. Please leave some of your thoughts in the comments section on how the iPhone has changed the way you live. Does the Mac still matter? Apple execs tell why the MacBook Pro was over four years in the making, and why we should care. Read about it here. Commentary: From the moment he took the stage, Apple's co-founder knew the iPhone would change everything. Here's what I remember from being there that day.
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