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insignia - soft shell case for apple iphone 8 - black
Unlike its predecessors, New York's Spectacles vending machine is here to least until New Year's Eve. But I wasn't going to wait till then. I saw the pop-up shop around 7:30 a.m. Eastern when I got reception on the Q train on the Manhattan Bridge, and headed straight for Central Park. If you're looking for the purchase location in New York you can't miss it-- this giant banner across from Apple's flagship store will stand out. While the vending machines in other locations were pretty hidden, you couldn't miss this one. Snapchat's eye logo was plastered across the top of the Midtown building, bigger than most billboards. I hopped in line about 8 a.m. thinking I was going to get a pair by noon at the latest.
I was wrong, Here are some quick tips for making your Spectacles-buying experience in Manhattan smoother than mine, Bundle up!: If I had known I'd be standing in line for insignia - soft shell case for apple iphone 8 - black Spectacles today, I'd have worn two pairs of snow pants and a ski mask just to stay warm, Winter has arrived, and it shows no mercy, even to eager Spectacles buyers, The machine is there until New Year's Eve, so maybe the weather will be warmer in the next month (thanks, global warming), but for this next week anyway, the forecast is chilly in NYC..
If you need to go, do it now: This is a long, long wait -- more than two hours just to get in the door, and then another two hours just to get to the machine. It took me 6 hours, or until about 2 p.m. This tip has two interpretations. The regular schedule is 4 to 10 p.m. on weekdays, and 6 a.m. to noon on weekends. You should get there ASAP, as a large numbers of people were cut off when the store closed at 1 p.m. on Monday. But also, there are no restrooms on the inside. Just consider that if you've had anything to drink or eat before getting in line.
Be prepared for payment woes: The Spectacles vending machine was troublesome for a handful of people -- myself included -- because some banking companies assumed you were a victim of fraud due to issues with the machine, Many had to step out of the line, call up their bank and request to take off the rejections, causing delays, Credit cards seemed to run smoothly, while debit cards had a few hiccups, If you don't have more than one card on hand to use, get ready to have your bank on the insignia - soft shell case for apple iphone 8 - black phone, I started off killing time by tweetstorming and playing games, Then, when both my phones died, I talked to some other saps suffering with me, Christi Reid had been in line for five hours to snag a pair for her boyfriend, who was stuck out on Long Island..
"I actually woke up to 'Go down and get it if you can!' and I rolled out of bed," the 24-year-old software engineer said. While she's getting two pairs for her beau, Reid is hoping to use them to record herself skateboarding. Others had more entrepreneurial ideas in mind. Bryan Herrera, a college student from Queens, had been stalking the Spectacles website hourly to see when they would pop up in NYC. He hit the jackpot at 1 a.m. when he saw the location while others were asleep. Herrera said he set his alarm for 6 a.m., but it never went off and he rushed out the door at 7 a.m. instead.
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